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Tag Archives: infidelity

Khalid Albaih – Which One

Mahamadou Diarra – Infidelity



– Person 1: “Are you sure your husband is not coming now?”

– Person 2: “Even if he comes now, he won’t say anything. He is gay!”

Ras Manyanga – Pregnancy


Mahamane Sani Djibo – Prostitution in Niger

Sani Prostitution edited

Person 1: “You, you’re a smart guy! You like good things. She’s 20,000 franks!”
Person 2: “Whoa, that’s crazy! If I remain abstinent for three months, I’ll be rich! “

Fati Seyni – Infidelity in Niger

Fati S_ pic

Person 1:”My dear let’s go in the bedroom.”
Person 2: “Yes, but let’s to do quick before my husband comes back.”

A.W. Lloyd – The Bickerings of the Britons

A.W. Lloyd - The Bickerings of the Britons

Sergio Picarra – Mankiko

Sergio Picassa - Mankikio

  1. “Hey there Mingota! Why are you drinking so much?”
  2. “Oh, my friend, leave me alone! I’m drowning the sorrows that my man left me with!”
    – “Joaquinito??”
  3. “Who else? He’s a womanizer, that jerk!”
    – “No way!”
  4. “Come on, get up from there! I’m just glad that my Mankiko doesn’t give me these problems!”
    – “What?”
  5. “Sister! Don’t say a word!! My Mankiko is honest and loyal, you hear?”
  6. “You should know that ever since he formed the party and entered parliament he has been a new man: honest and democratic.”
    – “You wanna take a look over there at the end of the block?”
  7. “Now, ladies, with the multi-party-ism, I, like the true democrat I am, have had enough with only one wife. I adopted a new system: multi-spouse-ism!”
  8. “Mankikooo!”
  9. “Help! Ow! I swear, Fatita! I won’t do that anymore!! Now I’ll be multi-honest, multi-faithful, and multi-peaceful! Ow!”
  10. “And? So then take one more multi-beating!!”

Josy Ajiboye – Mistress

Josy Ajiboye Sunday 6_Mistress

Josy Ajiboye – Cold Feet

Josy Ajiboye Sunday 8_Cold Feet

Josy Ajiboye – Surprise Visit

Josy Ajiboye Sunday 36_Surprise Visit