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Khalid Albaih – In God We Trust

Albert Ohams – God is watching us.

Khalid Albaih – For The Love Of God

A.L.O. – Brethren, Even the God we Serve..

A.L.O. introduces a priest to us. The priest, apparently, sees nothing wrong with the rate at which Nigerian politicians are defectiong from one party to another. According to the priest, defection is, in a way, scriptural. It is similar to what God wants people to do: to defect from their “sinful ways to the righteous path.”

This priest may be one of the many Nigerian priests who are yesmen to politicians.

Amr Okasha – Why do you hate God?

Yuran Henrique – Time to Descend

Masoud Junior – Health

Masoud Junior - Health

Panel 1:
Person 1: Shamasha, are your father and mother in good health back home?
Person 2: Ehh wait a second…
Panel 2:
Person 2: first of all, I don’t have the power to control their health while it’s in the hands of god!
Person 1: Huh?!