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Didier Mada – Excerpt from Imboa
In wars between the tribes of Madagascar, Andriambahoaka and his vassals always won. But one day…Andriadahifotsy and his warriors
1.”Don’t let him escape… Let’s knock him down”
2.”My hand!!.. I need to resist till the boulders”
3.”Hooo…there…. Our King Andriambahoaka!?
4.”He is chased! It is Andriandahifotsy and his warriors!
5. Suddenly the purchasing warriors face an old man/wizard who ordered them from refraining purchasing the King Andrambahoaka. They refused and found themselves bitten by snakes and attacked by supernatural forces
Didier Mada – Excerpt from Sary Gasy
Excerpt from Sary Gary
This excerpt is about royal succession in ancient Madagascar (1808)
This is typical of all kingdom where many jealousy and conspiracy often arise in the circle of the power. In this excerpt, the King ended up ordering the kill of the his child, the prince, as he was told that the latter was trying to kill his brother.
Didier Mada – Un Homme Blanc D’Afrique
A white man from Africa
“Here is the group photo of my wedding”
“long life to the Bride!”, “long live to the Groom!”
“You are wondering why I turn my back?”
“It is my way to fight to make my particularity accepted: the fact that I am albino in Africa”
“Yes, it was the best day of my life, but the fight against stupid and evil cultures leading to the exclusion of albinos must continue!”
“All started at my birth”
“What is it?” some ask the nurse who seemed disappointed
“And the family started wondering: did the mom die when given birth? Is it a girl? what happen to the baby?”, and the nurse to answer: “None of all those things”, “it is an albino boy”
; “Oinn oiin! [baby cry]”