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Tag Archives: democratic republic of the congo

Thembo Kash – FAR EAST

cartoon Thembo

1. “I am a minority… candidate to the genocide…”
2. “The answer is a small position at the head of the army… in the government…”



Jason Kibiswa – Excerpt of Priez Pour Moi



    Kishasa, Province of Barumbu…
    In the family of Mzee-RADI

    1. “trilululul… -Phone ringing”

    2. “I hope it is him, my God! otherwise…”

    3.  “Daddy there is no more food reserve”

    4. “You are a woman, you need to try your best”

    5. “Good afternoon Daddy, this is Malanga, I’m calling you from Paris.”

Thembo Kash – Tintin


-“Papa, look! Tintin is in the Congo!” -“Haha! Don’t be fooled! Even if I sweat you can tell I’m Congolese. 100%!” -“Mmmm, no! Tinin has a tuft [of hair] on his head. He reminds me of Captain Haddock.”

Thembo Kash – Apple Picking


Thembo Kash – Secret Plan


Thembo Kash – Art Sale


Paintings for sale! Good price! Painting I: Gbagbo: Ex-president of a prosperous country Painting II: Gbagbo: President of a ruined country -“I’ll buy! How much?”

Jason Kibiswa – Weight on Artists’ Shoulders


-Systems of the south (poverty; brain drain; rural exodus; genocide; racism; Diotature; war; loss of business; drought; misappropriation; colonization; unemployment; emigration; weak economy) -African artists

Jason Kibiswa – Knowledge Production


The NTIC for culture

Jason Kibiswa – Research Statistics on the Creative Economy in Africa


-Investigators: “We want to know how many art works you have sold this year.” -Gallerist: “I haven’t sold anything this year. You know that the African cultural industry has been in a crisis for decades”

Tayo Fatunla – Mobutu Haunts Kabila

joseph kabila haunted by Mobutu