Tag Archives: africa
The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is holding a VIRTUAL CARTOON FESTIVAL COMPETITION as part of a strategy to create a synergy between the artists and activism geared towards addressing the ongoing pandemic of Covid -19. The virtual competition was launched on Tuesday 26th May 2020 at the embassy grounds and will run till 5th August 2020, Midnight.
The core theme of the festival is pegged around the COVID -19 PANDEMIC and the challenges presented to the Continent. The artists therefore are expected to artistically present their work around these sub themes;
1) Africa after COVID-19
2) Sacrifice by health workers
3) Family in quarantine
4) Humanitarian conduct to the people during the pandemic cycle
5) Observance of sanitizing principles
6) Social distancing principle
7) Myths and Facts
8) Panic-buying
9) Governments assistance to the populace
10) Survival in COVID-19 Pandemic
11) Sanctions an obstacle in combatting COVID-19
12) Debt Relief
13) The effects of COVID-19 on silencing the guns project in Africa.
Kindly circulate widely to your networks and to cartoon artists under your banner. For participants kindly send your work through this email: covidinafricafest@gmail.com
For further clarification kindly visit our official website (http://kenya.mfa.gov.ir/en) or reach out to the undersigned.