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Tag Archives: pahe

Patrick “Pahé” Essono Nkouna – Welcome to Switzerland

A:”How is Gabon?”
B:”Like my account in the bank.”

Patrick “Pahé” Essono Nkouna – Drinking Buddies


To two Guinness drinks, cheers.

Staff note: Pahé was inspired to draw this cartoon by a picture of policemen enjoying a beer at a Libreville bar. They did not appreciate the joke.

Patrick “Pahé” Essono Nkouna – Obama Again!


Ali Bongo Ondimba: “That’s me too in 2016!”

Patrick “Pahé” Essono Nkouna – Psychosis at the Prosecutor of the Republic’s House


Psychosis at the Prosecutor of the Republic’s House
Woman: “What’s happening? Your horn fell!”
The Prosecutor: “Quick! A jurist!”

Patrick “Pahé” Essono Nkouna – The Gabonese Republic


The Republic of Gabon
Union, work, justice

Patrick “Pahé” Essono Nkouna – Greta Speaks!


Greta Speaks!
“Thanks auntie, long live Gabonese justice!!”