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Tag Archives: militarism

Bahgat Osman – Terrorism

Bob Kanza – Cruel World

bob kanza - Cruel World

  1. The world is cruel…
    [Sign: Here lies PATRICE LUMUMBA, January 1961]
    [Container: Container of sulfuric acid]
  2. To convince you…
    Beggar: “I am hungry; I am thirsty…”
    Wealthy man: “That’s nice, but the war effort against Eritrea is more important.”
  3. Look around you…
    [Sign: Search warrant: N361, UN Blue helmets, contact the UN for a big reward]
    Announcer: “Please, stop multiplying that.”

Ali Dilem – The Fourth Anniversary

a. dilem_2

The fourth anniversary of the Iraq invasion

Ali Dilem – American Troops

a. dilem_1

Redeployment of American troops in Baghdad

Nyemb Popoli – The Last Clinton Duel


“The missiles are just for our protection!”