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Josy Ajiboye – Who’s Pregnant?

Josy Ajiboye Sunday 22_Pregnant or Not

Lito Silva – Banco de Urgência

Lito silva - banco de urgencia_lrg_crop

[Sign: “Emergency Room”]
Doctor: “My friend, you’re screwed! Here we don’t even have aspirin!…Have you tried Papá Kitoko?…!”
[NB: Papá Kitoko was a popular traditional healer during the civil war in Angola.]

Lito Silva – Azar

lito silva - azar_lrgcropped

  1. “Genevieve, throughout the dark moments of my life, you were always by my side! …”
  2. “…Even right now at the end, you are the one here…! …Genevieve…!”
  3. “Yes, Aparicio, sim…!?”
  4. “I think you’re bad luck!”