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Learn More about Ssentongo Jimmy Spire

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Born in August 14, 1979, Jimmy is a cartoonist and columnist with the Observer newspaper, Uganda where he has been on staff for over a decade. He draws some of the most controversial cartoons of the Ugandan president, Museveni which are either featured in the Newspaper or on his Facebook page. He is also a lecturer at Uganda Martyrs University (Nkozi) and Makerere University.

He holds a Diploma in Philosophy from the Philosophicum of the Apostles of Jesus in Nairobi; a Bachelors of Philosophy from Urbaniana University in Italy; an MA in Ethics and Public Management from Makerere University; a Master of Science in Education for Sustainability from London South Bank University; and a PhD from the University of Humanistic Studies, Holland.

His Museveni cartoons often feature an allusive image of a drip irrigation bottle either attached to the president’s hat or conspicuously present in the image’s background. The image symbolizes the bankruptcy of ideas and innovations that has come to characterize the ageing president, who has been in power since 1986. The bottle also serves to show what he believes is actually being irrigated: politicians’ pockets, his grip on power and corruption.




