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Learn More about Segun Awosiyan


Segun Awosiyan was born in Ile-Ife, Osun state, Nigeria. Segun studied Fine Arts at the Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Initially, he specialized in painting at Yaba College of Technology, Lagos, Nigeria. He discovered his talent for cartooning when he picked cartoon as a medium for his final year project in Yaba College of Technology, the experience which later became useful as a National Youth Corps Member with Imo Newspaper.

He started as an illustrator and cartoonist for Hearts Magazine in 1996. During this time, he was also a contributor to Vanguard Media. He eventually got employed by Vanguard as a senior editorial cartoonist in July, 1999. He participated in an exhibition tagged Recountre Internationale De Dessin De Press (International Press Cartoon Meeting) in France, in 2002. He has also been exhibiting with the Cartoonist Association of Nigeria (CARTAN) since 2002. Segun remains an active member of this group. His figures scream the story evocatively that you can often read his cartoons even without the captions. His work has always seemed to be older than his age.