Jussie Nsana Banimba was born in Brazzaville in 1984. She received a degree in visual arts from the National School of Art in Brazzaville. She has hosted a number of exhibits in the Republic of Congo, including “Butsele” in 2013 and “Soul Power” in 2015. Nsana attended the International Festival of Comics in Algiers, Algeria in October 2015 and Livre Paris: Salon du Livre de Paris in March 2016. She currently works and lives in Pointe-Noire, Congo.
- “Participant Profile,” Livre Paris, 2016.
- Christophe Cassiau-Haurie, “Interview with Jussie Nsana,” October 2010.
- Chroniques de Brazzaville. Congo-Brazzaville: L’Harmattan BD, 2012.
- La Bande DessinĂ©e Conte L’Afrique. Algeria: Dalimen Edition, 2009.