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Tag Archives: robbery

Leilo Albano – As Desculpas do Zé Povão

“What? Another robbery? Well, AH! AAH!! We are without cars… Call again tomorrow!”

Dina Abdelgawad-Shops Closed

Translation: I am the first one who decided to follow the law and close my shop. I just left the light on to prevent a robbery.

Boye Gbenro – Armed Robbery

Peter Wankomo – The Joy and Pain of Independence

Wankomo - The Joy of Independence

Dotun Gboyega – Curbing Robbery

Dotun Gboyega- Curbing Robbery cartoon

Bob Kanza – Counterfeit

bob kanza - countereit

Victim: “Can I leave now?”
Robber: “No! Wait until my colleague verifies that it is real money!”